We have displayed throughout the nursery copies of policies and guidelines, registration and insurance cover, complaints procedures, health & safety policy statement, equal opportunities policy statement, admissions procedures, healthy eating policy, confidentiality policy and child protection guidelines.
The code of practice for Social Service Workers and employers is available for your perusal on the notice board. Should parents have any queries regarding its contents or, in fact, any issues regarding practice, please contact the manager, Joanne Methven, directly.
The promotion of acceptable behaviour is important to the overall positive development of children. A relaxed and confident child will be more amenable to learning, however as behaviour is viewed as the "language of children" staff should possess the awareness and knowledge to interpret regressive or unacceptable behaviour as the child endeavouring to communicate a concern.
Emergencies/Fire Drills
Fire drills are conducted each 4 week period.
In the event of a total shut down parents, guardians, carers, will be contacted urgently.
Parking and Access
We have a car park to the front of the building, however to ensure child safety please ask staff for the access code. Access may be gained by the back door. Should parents be unable to collect their child then the person doing so should have a pre-arranged password. No person/s under 16 years of age will be permitted to collect a child from Mulberry Bush.
Daily Register
A daily register is kept to record attendance of pupils.
A consent form is required to record parental approval for their child to take part in excursions.
A daily written parental consent form is required before staff can give a child prescribed medication.
Mulberry Bush Nursery operates a healthy eating policy and provide a healthy snack twice per day. Although most children bring their own packed lunch, lunch can be provided by outside caterers. This can be booked daily. Please inform a.m. staff before 10 o'clock. The weekly menu is displayed on the notice board. We require parents to avoid giving their child any type of nuts while at Mulberry Bush, as we have several children with severe allergies to nuts. We would also advise parents to purchase an ice pack for their child's lunch box to ensure freshness.
Parent, guardian, carer, is contacted if a child becomes ill or injured and an agreed course of action taken.
Mulberry Bush Children's Nursery has a no smoking policy within the nursery buildings and grounds.
Information of a private and confidential nature is a matter between parent and staff, who respect the confidentiality of any matter.
Complaints Procedure
For further information on our Complaints Procedure, please click on the 'Download Document' below.
Equal Opportunities
We operate the policy of Argyll and Bute in matters concerned with anti-racism, anti-sexist, multicultural issues and we do not discriminate against religious beliefs, handicaps or disabilities.